Are You Sick And Tired Of Not Being Able to Train Like You Should? Are You Fed Up Of Not Earning The Money That You Want? Are You Finally Done With Going To A Job You Hate" You're not alone! All of our affiliates faced exactly these kinds of challenges every day...
If you are love Martial Arts and want to own your own successful Martial Arts club, then this might just be the most important website you have ever visited.
If you are a true Martial Artist, then you already know how much time, energy and commitment you have dedicated towards your training. Nothing in the world can replace the amount of time you put towards your training. Not only did you invested thousands of dollars towards your training, you also dedicated thousands of hours in travel, classes, seminars, studying videos, tournaments and more. That's why you are the perfect person to run your own Martial Arts school as an owner.
You may have already what it takes to teach classes, but do you have the skills, expertise and knowledge to successfully run your own Martial Arts gym?
Teaching is one thing. But running your own gym is a whole different ball game. You need to have business skills to run a business. Just because you know your sport and can teach a class, that doesn't necessarily mean you should go into business yourself if you don't have the skills required to run a successful gym. You may be a black belt at your Martial Arts but you are a white belt in business.
In the ten years that I have been successfully running my own 4 Martial Arts gyms I have seen Martial Artists invest a boatload of money by mortgaging their own house to the max, using all their life savings, cashing in their RRSP's, maxing out all their lines of credit and credit cards and even loan money from friends and relatives only to open up their own gym.
They are throwing together a quick website and expecting customers to flock through the doors from day one. But..that's not quite how it turns out. A couple of friends come in to show support, but actual paying customers are hard to find. Within a year,80% of these new business are out of business, and the owner is back on the internet now looking for a job.
Out of the 20% that survived the first year, 80% of them decided to close their doors in the next few years. And, what's worse, is that the last few that remain opened are struggling just to pay the bills, nevermind themselves. The truth is that only one out of a hundred Martial Arts gyms is actually making money and all the rest are turning into nightmare 80-hour-a-week-jobs for their owners, jobs they can never quite and businesses they can never sell.
Fortunately, there's a very simple, affordable, and effective way to fix this, allowing your Martial Arts business to be profitable and to build a solid reputation, and AVOID guaranteed disaster and bancruptcy:
My name is Don Whitefield and I am the founder of the West Coast Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Association. For over 10 years, I've been teaching Martial Artists like yourself and now I can help you to save time and money by eliminating the growing pains of starting a new business from scratch.
I've run and owned 4 successful Martial Arts gyms and have currently 18 affiliated gyms and I have helped many Martial Artists to run their own profitable Martial Arts gyms.
Opening up your own gym can be very expensive, especially if you don't know what you are doing.There are so many things you need to get started including a name for your business, finding a location, negotiating your lease, designing a logo, website, business cards, social media sites, flyers, brochures and so on.
You'll need to know how to advertise and market your gym, where to buy equipment at wholesale prices, who to design all your own marketing materials, you'll need waivers, contracts, systems and so many other things that listing them all would easily overwhelm the average person to the point that they will quit before they ever started.
That's why I’m here to help. I have over 10 years experience running my gyms and helping my affiliate gyms and I know how to get all those things done cheaply, efficiently and best of all : done by others so you can focus on your club all of the time.
I've helped some of the largest, most successful Martial Arts Gyms in the area — including Pure Martial Arts in Campbell River, Budo Martial Arts Burnaby and Ultra Force MMA in Richmond in becoming a part of the BJJ culture, where we all work and train as a team across Western Canada!
I've also earned a good deal of recognition within the local business community and nothing gives me more pleasure than helping another Martial Artist and helping the Martial Arts community grow. As Martial Artists, we are creating tremendous value to the world around us. That's why I want to help you become successful. I know EXACTLY what it takes to run a successful realistic Martial Arts club. Not only do I have 10 years experience, but I have also invested thousands and thousands of dollars and hours on my education so that I have the extensive knowledge on what I need to do, and how to do it. And now, I want to teach you.
Finally... ALL Of The Help, Advice, Strategies, And Training You NEED To Run A Successful Martial Arts Gym!
I'm looking to help a handful of very driven, positive and ambitious Martial Artists. I want to make one thing very clear. I only work with people who are willing to work hard, put in the hours, take advice and are open to coaching.
My time is valuable and I simply will not work with anyone that is lazy, closed minded, not willing to put in the work or is looking for the easy way out. If you are open minded enough to listen to advice and ask for help, then I will give you all I have and be your guide to make sure your new business flourishes.
Here's How I Can Help You With YOUR Business...
I offer a number of services designed for busy business owners who want to learn the ropes quickly and effectively by eliminating doing everything from scratch and making all the mistakes that could easily be avoided. I'll get to work for you, freeing up your time, and allowing you to focus on more important aspects of your business... like making money and attracting new customers!
My services include:
I will help you develop the right business and personal mindset to succeed in this business.
You can learn any skill, and you can have any success... as long as you are willing to put in the hours and let go of your ego long enough to take a step back so you can actually learn how to be successful. If your mind is closed and you are not open to learning new things,then you are going to struggle. I am here to help you to get good fast. I will steer you in the right direction and I will be there to answer your questions, including :

How to create an attractive brand name, logo and image.

How to select the right space in the right location.

How to launch successful new programs and create cost effective scheduling.

How to deal with business partners.

How to negotiate leases and equipment purchases.

How to select the right employee and how to pay them and many more topics...
Once you have developed the proper mindset, I will help you with the right support. My job is to help you succeed and I care about your well being and getting you on the right track from day one. I'm going to give you all the information you need to get there. I know what works and I know what doesn't work.
Running a successful Martial Arts club is a lot like preparing for a fight. Everything has it's place and time and it takes the right plan to make everything come together. Most club owners just experiment with anything they see, they "try" with this and dabble with that, copy others in hopes that whatever they are copying will work for them too. But that's not how it works. You need a solid system in place. Most gym owners don't have systems in place. They just "wing-it" and then they wonder why students don't stay and money isn't coming in. Don't fall victim to this strategy. Don't reinvent the wheel. Learn from someone who already knows and has everything you need to succeed. Here's what you get when you sign up with us :

A complete operation manual that tells you what to do, and when to do it. (No more guessing).

Course curriculums helping you to run well organized classes at all times. (No more dabbling in this and that).

Complete sales procedures to help you sign up many students successfully. (No more stress and headaches of watching your potential customers go elsewhere).

An annual marketing plan that tells you how and when to market your club. (No more spending money on stuff that just does not work).

Ongoing support and information on the latest changes in the industry. (No more copying others).
Your success is our success. This means that we only get paid when you do.
We are performance driven, that means, if you don't get paid, neither do we. That's why you'll know that we truly care about your success. We want you to be successful. I'll never ask you to pay any yearly or monthly association fee yourself. Our service is tied to our performance for your business. Only if you are signing up students we get paid - directly by the students who benefit directly too.